Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rhino crusader goes international

Rhino crusader goes international

One of the most visible faces of “save the rhino” campaign in Assam is ready to take his crusade beyond Indian shores.
Bibhab Talukdar, who waged a relentless battle against poachers, has been offered a position in the Internat ional Rhino Foundation, and needless to say, he has accepted it.
Talukdar, in fact, will be the first person from India to the join the international foundation dedicated to conser vation and research on the endangered species.
“It is my pleasure to announce that Talukdar will join the Interna tional Rhino Foundation as the Asian rhino co-ordinator this month. The position has been slightly reconfigured to include both Southeast and South Asian rhino range states,” Susie Ellis, executive director of International Rhino Foundation, said in a statement.
She said Talukdar would split his time between Indonesia and India, working full time in Indonesia for four months a year and the other eight months in India.
Of course, he will continue to support Aaranyak, an NGO dealing with environment, where he worked as the secretary general.
Talukdar, in fact, had always helped the state by bringing in funds from across the world to save rhinos.
“The new position with the foundation will give me an opportunity to increase my area of work in the international arena. This is an added responsibility and not to mention the challenges of working with Javan and Sumatran rhino conservation in Southeast Asia. I have accepted the position to offer my contribution towards conservation of three Asian rhino species,” he said.

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